Wednesday, February 29, 2012

More Controversy with Scientology

This notorious religion of that has been sensationalized for it's celebrity controversy now has another public relations crisis on it's hands, first dealing with rumors spread by a former high ranking official eventually leading to a lawsuit. Debbie Cook has been thoroughly invested in the church for 17 years, leading the churches in spiritual mecca and ultimately rising to captain. But this past month she testified against the church, claiming that "[she] witnessed Mr. Miscavige (current church leader) physically punching in the face and wrestling to the ground another very senior executive at Scientology International Level" and that Miscavige ordered his assistant to slap her as well, hitting her so hard it knocked her out. She also testifies that while doing work at the Scientology International Base in Southern California, she was taken to "the hole" for 7 weeks. "The hole", she describes, is a pair of double wide ant infested trailers with bars on the windows and security guards at every door. She claims that they slept in sleeping bags on the floor and when the electricity cut out the trailers sometimes reached 106 degrees, and that they ate leftovers that were barely edible. She testifies that at "the hole" she was made to stand in a trash can as water was poured over her and people screamed at her to admit "bad things". ABC news received a letter from the lawyer for the Church Scientology flat out denying that these any of these events happened and that "the hole" does not exist. They claim the Cook, among other Scientology executives, participated willingly in a religious discipline program as part of their religious observances, but no one was there involuntarily. When Cook and her husband decided to leave the church in October 2007, they received $50,000 each to sign a lengthy contract that confirmed that neither of them would publicly criticize the church or it's leaders. Cook sent out an e-mail to fellow Scientologists questioning Miscagive's leadership of the Church last New Years Eve, which lead to the Church suing her for allegedly breaching her confidentially agreement.Cook still stands by the church, claiming that she never lost her love or passion for the belief and what it stand for, but it is because of that love and passion that she wants to bring to attention the situation with the current leadership. No Scientology Churches are allowing her to attend any services.
Another PR Crisis for Scientology

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