Wednesday, March 21, 2012

I'm a 4G hotspot

New York-based advertising agency Bartle, Bogle and Hegarty have turned homeless people on the streets of Austin, Texas into wireless hotspots. The agency outfitted 13 homeless people with 4G WiFi devices that broadcast internet signals, as a marketing attempt for the high demand of free internet at the South by Southwest arts and tech festival in Austin. Each homeless person was paid $20 a day and got to keep all of the donations they made, but unfortunately, the reaction to the experiment was much more negative than BBH expected. Initially, their intent was to give the opportunity of selling 4G connectivity to homeless people as opposed to a piece of paper. They argued that it was similar to offering a homeless person the job of holding a sandwich board, but unlike a sandwich board, and perhaps the most degrading part of the experiment, were the shirts they were wearing that said "I'm a 4G hotspot". These shirts not only took away their humanity but also made them a walking billboard for the program. On the other hand, the homeless people taking part in the experiment seemed to like it.
Homeless People Turned Into Walking Wi-Fi Hotspots

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Talk Radio "What a Slut"

When Georgetown Law School student Sandra Fluke was supposed to testify as a democratic witness to discuss the new contraception rule in front of a congressional committee, Rush Limbaugh's exact words were "Can you imagine if you were her parents how proud would you be? Your daughter testifies she's having so much sex she can't afford her own birth control pills and she wants President Obama to provide them, or the Pope. What does it say about the college co-ed Sandra Fluke who goes before a congressional committee and essentially says that she must be paid to have sex- what does that make her? It makes her a slut, right? It makes her a prostitute." Seeing as most advertising demographics are geared at woman between the ages pf 20-50, Limbaugh's comment towards the 30 year old Law student provoked his support from advertisers to drop like flies. The last count of dropped advertisements was over 2 dozen, including major brands such as AOL and Allstate, forcing Limbaugh to issue a public apology, a rare phenomenon. He explained "My choice of words was not the best, and in an attempt to be humorous, I created a national stir". But for Fluke, that was not enough. She says "I don't think that a statement like this issued changes anything, and especially when the statement is issued when he's under significant pressure from his sponsors who have begun to pull their support." But with 15 million weekly listeners and on nearly 600 stations across America, Limbaugh is hard to take down.
Sandra Fluke says Rush Limbaugh's Apology Doesn't Mean Anything

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Tweet Peaks (Startling Results of the Super Tuesday Poll)

A new quote extraction technology allows twitter users to measure which statements resonate the most on twitter. Recently this technology has been playing a big part in the upcoming presidential election. The twitter election on Super Tuesday showed that Rick Santorum won the tallest spikes on the tweet-volume graph. However, the runner-up was not his fellow candidate and closest competition, Mitt Romney, but non other than the infamous Sarah Palin. In previous elections, it's been proven that the people with the tallest peaks not only inspire the most passion, but also the most hatred. Especially after a candidate's televised speech, an overwhelming amount of positive tweets are quickly accompanied by an equal amount of negative ones. The new quote extraction technology showed that Romney's most shared quote was not one of substance but rather a humorous paraphrasing of his viewpoints: "I'll do everything opposite of Obama". And similarly, Rick Santorum's most famous quote on twitter was the startling: "I support the rights of an unborn child until it's born and wants a gay marriage". On a device where anyone can say whatever they want without immediate consequences, the internet seems to be not a good resource for campaigns.